If not, or if you don't want to, then use backstab and then Impale. If you've gotten a crit by now, serpent strike instantly and then use Impale. Jagged Strike, which gives you 3 points and leaves stealth Place buffs/debuffs (for me, ddart and exweakness) To kill your first target as an accomplished assassin: or, if you didn't macro serpent strike in, then put it here, or anywhere that's comfortable. Right now i have confuse powder here, I suggest putting foul play here or on key 12.I put that potion thing that heals you a bunch and gives you 30 energy.I dislike macroing this in, but if you want to and dislike having a separate key, macro it in. anything you want - I used to have Expose Weakness, but then i realized my finishers were refreshing it anyway because of manslaughter.ĩ.I put Debilitating Dart.Slip away of course, gotta have the panic button or CoD refresh/jagged refresh.I put Stealth on x, though it's maybe better to put leaping plunge in because stealth is just out there, you know.I'm weird, so I binded the rest of the keys to x, c, v, f, g, r, and t.

#Rift rogue compendium serial#
I'm a serial Assassination rogue myself, and I genuinely enjoy both the full Assassination* and Assdancer versions in Rift. It has good guidelines for things like PA and stats in general terms (which is good enough for leveling). To complement my Grimarillion guide, I have been field testing builds that can serve as a jumping point for players who like to see concepts that work before jumping in.You may want to check out this catch-all post in the forums: As is my style, the theme of this compendium is pets! Pet armies, small companions, debuff pets, and mercenary pets the more the merrier. I have tested nearly every class and every damage type in an effort to see how certain skills synergize with the generous gift of classes Grimarillion provides us.
#Rift rogue compendium mod#
For those who like to whack enemies themselves and not have minions doing your dirty work, I also have multiple player-scaled pet builds that combine pets with major damage skills Elemental Seekers, Raise the Dead, and Unknown Soldier can be a lot of fun when you combine them with a player focused build, not to mention the juicy player-scaled pets from the mod classes!Īll in all, I have around 20 builds (thank GDStash for the ability to quickly test certain ideas) that I have outfitted and tested. Summoner builds (the ones that are scaled to pet damage) are built differently from standard main skill builds in that in addition to focusing on survivability and resists, you have an additional column for pet stats: pet Health, pet damage, pet Crit, pet Speed, and pet Resists. Neglecting pet stats in favor of player resists leads to Campaign slog where pets have trouble bursting through boss heals. Neglecting pet resists in favor of damage kills off your pets before major damage can be done, leading to the player running like a headless chicken.