Php if else statement shorthand
Php if else statement shorthand

php if else statement shorthand

The next sections will cover more advanced types of conditional statements in PHP.


It allows the programmer to execute different blocks of code based on the value of a particular condition. The if statement is a fundamental building block of conditional statements in PHP. In the above example, we have used the logical OR operator || to combine two conditions into a single expression. It is important to note that the condition inside the if statement can be any valid expression that evaluates to a boolean value ( true or false). The echo statement will output the message “This is a sports car.”. The syntax of the if statement in PHP is as follows: if (condition) is executed. It allows the programmer to execute a block of code if a certain condition is true. The if statement is the most basic type of conditional statement in PHP. Additionally, we will discuss best practices for using conditional statements in PHP to write clean and maintainable code. We will cover the basic syntax of each statement and provide examples to illustrate their usage.


In this tutorial, we will discuss the different types of conditional statements in PHP and how to use them effectively.

  • Ternary Operator: Shorthand for if/else Statements.
  • Logical Operators: Combining Multiple Conditions.
  • Comparison Operators: Testing Equality and Inequality.
  • switch Statements: Simplifying Complex Conditions.
  • Nested if Statements: Combining Conditions.
  • elseif Statements: Adding Multiple Paths.
  • php if else statement shorthand

    else Statements: Adding an Alternative Path.These statements allow the programmer to execute different blocks of code based on different conditions. PHP supports several types of conditional statements, including if, else, elseif, switch, and ternary operators.

    php if else statement shorthand

    In PHP, conditional statements are used to control the flow of execution of the code. Conditional statements allow the programmer to execute certain blocks of code based on whether a particular condition is true or false. Put spaces on both sides of the opening and closing parentheses of control structure blocks.Conditional statements are an essential feature of any programming language, and PHP is no exception. Don’t abbreviate variable names unnecessarily let the code be unambiguous and self-documenting. Use lowercase letters in variable, action/filter, and function names (never camelCase). For that reason, require is generally the better choice as it will throw a Fatal Error if the file cannot be found. When using include, PHP will throw a warning when the file is not found but will continue execution, which will almost certainly lead to other errors/warnings/notices being thrown if your application depends on the file loaded, potentially leading to security leaks. It is strongly recommended to use require for unconditional includes. There should only be one space between the path and the include/require keywords. See Data Validation in the Plugin Handbook for further details.īecause include and require are language constructs, they do not need parentheses around the path, so those shouldn’t be used. Text that goes into HTML or XML attributes should be escaped so that single or double quotes do not end the attribute value and invalidate the HTML, causing a security issue. You should almost never have to escape quotes in a string, because you can just alternate your quoting style, like so: echo 'Link name' If you’re not evaluating anything in the string, use single quotes. Use single and double quotes when appropriate. When embedding multi-line PHP snippets within an HTML block, the PHP open and close tags must be on a line by themselves. If you want to automatically check your code against this standard, you can use the official WordPress Coding Standards tooling, which is run using PHP_CodeSniffer. While not all code may fully comply with these standards (yet), all newly committed and/or updated code should fully comply with these coding standards.Īlso see the PHP Inline Documentation Standards for further guidelines. While themes and plugins may choose to follow a different coding style, these coding standards are not just about code style, but also encompass established best practices regarding interoperability, translatability, and security in the WordPress ecosystem, so, even when using a different code style, we recommend you still adhere to the WordPress Coding Standards in regard to these best practices. They are mandatory for WordPress Core and we encourage you to use them for your themes and plugins as well. These PHP coding standards are intended for the WordPress community as a whole.

  • Self-Explanatory Flag Values for Function Arguments.
  • Error Control Operator Increment/decrement operators.
  • Only One Object Structure (Class/Interface/Trait) per File.
  • Declare Statements, Namespace, and Import Statements.

  • Php if else statement shorthand